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Download Helakuru Lite APK and Write in Sinhala Digitally

- Why use Helakuru Lite instead of other Sinhala keyboards? H2: How to Download and Install Helakuru Lite APK? - How to download Helakuru Lite APK from the official website or Google Play Store? - How to install Helakuru Lite APK on your Android device? - How to grant permissions and set up Helakuru Lite as your default keyboard? H2: How to Use Helakuru Lite APK? - How to type in Sinhala using Phonetic, Smart Wijesekara, or Voice Typing modes? - How to switch between Sinhala and English languages? - How to use word prediction, emojis, and themes? - How to access help and settings? H2: Benefits of Using Helakuru Lite APK - How does Helakuru Lite improve your Sinhala typing speed and accuracy? - How does Helakuru Lite support your digital communication in Sinhala? - How does Helakuru Lite protect your privacy and data security? H1: Conclusion Summary and call to action Table 2: Article with HTML formatting How to Download Helakuru Lite APK for Android

If you are looking for a simple and easy way to type in Sinhala on your Android device, you might want to try Helakuru Lite APK. This is a lightweight version of the popular Helakuru app, which only offers the Sinhala keyboard functionality. In this article, we will show you how to download and install Helakuru Lite APK on your Android device, how to use its features, and what are the benefits of using it.

What is Helakuru Lite APK?

Helakuru Lite APK is a free app that allows you to type in Sinhala on your Android device using a variety of modes. You can choose from Phonetic, Smart Wijesekara, or Voice Typing modes, depending on your preference and convenience. You can also switch between Sinhala and English languages with a single tap, use word prediction, emojis, and themes, and access help and settings easily.

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Helakuru Lite APK is a proud Sri Lankan product that is used by millions of Sri Lankans around the world to write in their mother tongue digitally. It is developed by Bhasha Lanka (Pvt) Ltd, a company that specializes in digital solutions for local languages. Helakuru Lite APK is a lite version of the full-fledged Helakuru app, which offers more features such as news, radio, TV, dictionary, etc.

Why use Helakuru Lite APK instead of other Sinhala keyboards? There are several reasons why you might prefer Helakuru Lite APK over other Sinhala keyboards available on the market. Some of them are:

  • It is fast, simple, and easy to use. You don't need any special skills or training to use it.

  • It supports multiple modes of typing in Sinhala, so you can choose the one that suits you best.

  • It has a user-friendly interface and design that makes typing in Sinhala a pleasant experience.

  • It has a high accuracy rate and a low error rate when typing in Sinhala.

  • It respects your privacy and data security. It does not collect or share any personal data with third parties.

How to Download and Install Helakuru Lite APK?

If you want to download and install Helakuru Lite APK on your Android device, you have two options. You can either download it from the official website or from the Google Play Store. Here are the steps for both options:

How to download Helakuru Lite APK from the official website?

  • Go to [Helakuru](^1^), the official website of the app.

  • Scroll down and click on the "Download" button under the "Helakuru Lite" section.

  • You will be redirected to a page where you can choose between two packages: Basic (Free) or Pro (Monthly Subscription).

  • Select the package that suits your needs and click on the "Download" button again.

  • <li A file named "helakuru-lite.apk" will be downloaded to your device. You can find it in your "Downloads" folder or in your notification bar.

How to download Helakuru Lite APK from the Google Play Store?

  • Go to the [Google Play Store] on your device and search for "Helakuru Lite".

  • Select the app from the search results and tap on the "Install" button.

  • The app will be downloaded and installed automatically on your device.

How to install Helakuru Lite APK on your Android device?

After you have downloaded the Helakuru Lite APK file from the official website, you need to install it manually on your device. Here are the steps to do that:

  • Go to your device settings and enable the option to install apps from unknown sources. This may vary depending on your device model and Android version, but you can usually find it under "Security" or "Privacy" settings.

  • Locate the "helakuru-lite.apk" file in your "Downloads" folder or in your notification bar and tap on it.

  • A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm the installation. Tap on the "Install" button and wait for the process to complete.

  • Once the installation is done, you can open the app and start using it.

How to grant permissions and set up Helakuru Lite as your default keyboard?

Before you can use Helakuru Lite as your Sinhala keyboard, you need to grant some permissions and set it as your default keyboard. Here are the steps to do that:

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  • When you open the app for the first time, you will see a welcome screen with some instructions. Tap on the "Next" button until you reach the screen that asks you to enable Helakuru Lite in your device settings.

  • Tap on the "Enable Helakuru Lite" button and you will be taken to your device settings. Find and select "Helakuru Lite" from the list of available keyboards and toggle it on.

  • Go back to the app and tap on the "Next" button until you reach the screen that asks you to select Helakuru Lite as your default keyboard.

  • Tap on the "Select Helakuru Lite" button and you will see a pop-up window asking you to choose your input method. Select "Helakuru Lite" from the options and tap on "OK".

  • You have successfully set up Helakuru Lite as your default keyboard. You can now use it to type in Sinhala on any app or website.

How to Use Helakuru Lite APK?

Now that you have downloaded, installed, and set up Helakuru Lite APK on your Android device, you can start using it to type in Sinhala with ease. Here are some tips on how to use its features:

How to type in Sinhala using Phonetic, Smart Wijesekara, or Voice Typing modes?

Helakuru Lite APK offers three modes of typing in Sinhala: Phonetic, Smart Wijesekara, or Voice Typing. You can switch between these modes by tapping on the icon at the top left corner of the keyboard. Here is how each mode works:

  • Phonetic mode: This is the default mode of Helakuru Lite APK. In this mode, you can type in Sinhala using English letters. For example, if you want to type "හලකුරු", you can type "helakuru". The app will automatically convert your English letters into Sinhala characters based on phonetic rules.

  • Smart Wijesekara mode: This is a mode that mimics the traditional Wijesekara keyboard layout for Sinhala typing. In this mode, you can type in Sinhala using specific keys that correspond to Sinhala characters. For example, if you want to type "හලකුරු", you can press "H", "E", "L", "A", ";", "K", "U", "R", and "U". The app will display the Sinhala characters as you type.

  • Voice Typing mode: This is a mode that allows you to type in Sinhala using your voice. In this mode, you can tap on the microphone icon at the bottom right corner of the keyboard and speak in Sinhala. The app will transcribe your voice into Sinhala text. You can also edit or delete the text if needed.

How to switch between Sinhala and English languages?

Helakuru Lite APK allows you to switch between Sinhala and English languages with a single tap. You can do this by tapping on the "EN" or "SI" icon at the top right corner of the keyboard. This will change the keyboard layout and the language of the word prediction. You can also use the spacebar to switch between languages by long-pressing it and sliding left or right.

How to use word prediction, emojis, and themes?

Helakuru Lite APK also offers some additional features that make typing in Sinhala more fun and convenient. Here are some of them:

  • Word prediction: This feature suggests words that you might want to type next based on your previous input. You can see the word predictions above the keyboard and tap on them to insert them into your text. You can also swipe left or right on the word prediction bar to see more suggestions.

  • Emojis: This feature allows you to express your emotions and feelings using emojis. You can access the emoji keyboard by tapping on the smiley face icon at the bottom left corner of the keyboard. You can swipe left or right on the emoji keyboard to see different categories of emojis and tap on them to insert them into your text.

  • Themes: This feature allows you to customize the appearance of your keyboard by changing its color and background. You can access the theme settings by tapping on the gear icon at the bottom right corner of the keyboard and selecting "Themes". You can choose from various themes such as dark, light, blue, pink, etc. or create your own theme by selecting your preferred colors.

How to access help and settings?

If you need any help or want to change some settings of Helakuru Lite APK, you can do so by tapping on the gear icon at the bottom right corner of the keyboard and selecting "Help & Settings". Here you can find various options such as:

  • Help: This option provides you with some useful tips and tutorials on how to use Helakuru Lite APK effectively.

  • Settings: This option allows you to adjust some preferences such as sound, vibration, auto-capitalization, auto-correction, etc.

  • About: This option gives you some information about Helakuru Lite APK, such as its version, developer, website, etc.

  • Feedback: This option allows you to share your feedback, suggestions, or complaints with the developer of Helakuru Lite APK.

Benefits of Using Helakuru Lite APK

By using Helakuru Lite APK, you can enjoy many benefits that will enhance your Sinhala typing experience. Some of these benefits are:

  • Improved speed and accuracy: Helakuru Lite APK helps you type in Sinhala faster and more accurately by providing you with multiple modes of typing, word prediction, auto-correction, etc.

  • Supported communication: Helakuru Lite APK supports your digital communication in Sinhala by allowing you to type in any app or website that supports Unicode. You can also use emojis, themes, etc. to make your communication more expressive and attractive.

  • Protected privacy and security: Helakuru Lite APK respects your privacy and security by not collecting or sharing any personal data with third parties. It also does not require any unnecessary permissions or access to your device.


In conclusion, Helakuru Lite APK is a great app that allows you to type in Sinhala on your Android device with ease and convenience. It offers various features such as Phonetic, Smart Wijesekara, or Voice Typing modes, word prediction, emojis, themes, etc. that make typing in Sinhala a pleasant experience. It also improves your speed and accuracy, supports your communication, and protects your privacy and security. If you want to download and install Helakuru Lite APK on your Android device, you can follow the steps mentioned above or visit [Helakuru] for more information.

We hope this article was helpful for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between Helak uru Lite APK and Helakuru APK? Helakuru Lite APK is a lite version of Helakuru APK that only offers the Sinhala keyboard functionality. Helakuru APK is a full-fledged app that offers more features such as news, radio, TV, dictionary, etc. You can choose the app that suits your needs and preferences.

  • Is Helakuru Lite APK free or paid? Helakuru Lite APK is free to download and use. However, it also offers a Pro package that requires a monthly subscription fee. The Pro package gives you access to more features such as voice typing, custom themes, etc. You can choose the package that suits your budget and requirements.

  • Is Helakuru Lite APK safe and secure? Yes, Helakuru Lite APK is safe and secure to use. It does not contain any viruses, malware, or spyware. It also does not collect or share any personal data with third parties. It only requires the permissions that are necessary for its functionality.

  • How can I update Helakuru Lite APK? You can update Helakuru Lite APK by visiting the official website or the Google Play Store and downloading the latest version of the app. You can also enable the auto-update option in your device settings to get the updates automatically.

  • How can I contact the developer of Helakuru Lite APK? You can contact the developer of Helakuru Lite APK by visiting their website and filling out the contact form. You can also email them at or call them at +94 11 4 678 678.


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